Category talk:Skirmish Traits by Type

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Logged in vs. not logged in

While editing pages for the Skirmish system, I discovered that a few of the skirmish categories appear differently whether you are logged in or not. This is a bad thing for those who just casually visit. |- For example, this particular page is located at:
When I am logged in, the page contains the following:
[+] Skirmish Archer Traits (0)
[+] Skirmish Attribute Traits (0)
[+] Skirmish Bannerguard Traits (0) S cont.
[+] Skirmish Herbalist Traits (0)
[+] Skirmish Personal Traits (0)
[+] Skirmish Protector Traits (0)
[+] Skirmish Sage Traits (0)
[+] Skirmish Skill Traits (0)
[+] Skirmish Training Traits (0)
[+] Skirmish Warrior Traits (0)

When I am not logged in, the page contains the following list instead:
[+] Attribute Traits (0)
[×] Personal Traits (0)
[×] Skill Traits (0)
[+] Training Traits (0)

I hope this is observable to others simply by logging in and out and returning to this page. It happens on a few of the Skirmish Category pages. is another example. I would appreciate a fix or an explanation why being logged in matters to the category content. I do realize that there have been some restructurings in the Skirmish content since it began last month.

--Zagyg 15:50, 8 January 2010 (UTC)