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Class Difficulty: Moderate
Role: Support/Damage
Available to races: Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, Man, River Hobbit, Stout-axe
Gameplay: Burglars are masters of debuffing, skills that cause foes to deal less damage, or be easier to defeat. They utilize their Trick skills to debuff foes, and can later remove the Tricks for additional benefits. Burglars also have stealth skills, and are proficient in initiating Fellowship Manoeuvres. In Fellowships, a Burglar supports his or her allies by debuffing foes, while dealing respectable damage.
Lore: Burglars are masters of stealth and misdirection. They rely on sleight-of-hand and starting attacks that allow their companions to overwhelm adversaries.
This class is inspired by the famous Bilbo Baggins, who accompanied Thorin and Company on their quest to the Lonely Mountain.

A male Hobbit Burglar


Burglars play two main roles: Debuffer/Support and DPS:

  • They use Tricks and Gambles to decrease the offensive capabilities of enemies.
  • Several of their skills increase the incoming damage of enemies.
  • Burglars rely on critical hits to perform strong skills.
  • From stealth, they can make high impact surprise attacks.


Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Surprise Strike Melee 10s Level: 1
 Cunning Attack Melee + DoT 5s Level: 1
 Subtle Stab Melee 2.5s Level: 1
 Sneak Stealth 10s Level: 1
 Double-edged Strike Melee 5s Level: 2
 Find Footing Cure 5m Level: 7
 Riddle Crowd Control 1m Level: 8
 Touch and Go Buff + Heal 5m Level: 10
 Throw Knife Ranged 4s Level: 10
 Exploit Opening Melee + Stun + Fellowship Manoeuvre 2m Level: 12
 Addle Debuff + Interrupt 10s Level: 14
 Burgle Misc. 20s Level: 14
 Cure Poison Cure 15s Level: 16
 Safe Fall Buff 10s Level: 18
 Diversion Crowd Control 20s Level: 18
 Purge Corruption Corruption 5s Level: 20
 Track Treasure Track 10s Level: 20
 Reveal Weakness Debuff 2s Level: 22
 Contact Pedlar Utility 30m Level: 26
 Burglar's Antidote Cure 15s Level: 26
 Hide in Plain Sight Stealth 7m Level: 30
 Provoke Melee + Debuff 6s Level: 34
 Ready and Able Cooldown Reset 5m Level: 36
 Practical Joke Social 2m 30s Level: 40
 Share the Fun Stealth 10s Level: 42
 Improved Addle Debuff + Interrupt 10s Level: 48
 Improved Hide in Plain Sight Stealth 7m Level: 54
 Improved Riddle Crowd Control 1m Level: 66

The Gambler

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Gambler (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Lucky Strike Melee + DoT 15s Set: Initial Skill
 Hedge Your Bet Melee 7s Set: Initial Skill
 Gambler's Advantage Melee + DoT 5s Trait:  Gambler's Advantage
 Blind Bet Melee + Debuff 15s Set:  Blind Bet
 Exposed Throat Melee + Fellowship Manoeuvre 5s Trait:  Exposed Throat
 Gambler's Strike Melee + DoT 5s Set:  Dealings Done
 Cash Out Melee + Buff 40s Set:  Cash Out
 All In Melee + Buff 1m Trait:  All In

The Quiet Knife

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Quiet Knife (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Knives Out Melee + Buff 2m Set: Initial Skill
 Feint Attack Melee + Buff 15s Set: Initial Skill
 Stun Dust Stun 1m Trait:  Stun Dust
 Aim Buff 1m 20s Trait:  Aim
 Focused Strikes Toggle Buff 3s Trait:  Focused Strikes
 Flashing Blades Melee 5s Trait:  Flashing Blades
 Trip Melee + Fellowship Manoeuvre 2m Trait:  Trip
 Improved Feint Attack Melee + Buff 5s Set:  Practiced Bluff
 Coup de Grâce Melee + Debuff 30s Trait:  Coup de Grâce

The Mischief-maker

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Mischief-maker (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Active Skills Category CD Source
 Mischievous Glee Self-heal 45s Set: Initial Skill
 Trick: Disable Melee + Debuff 5s Set: Initial Skill
 Trick: Dust in the Eyes Debuff 5s Trait:  Trick: Dust in the Eyes
 A Small Snag Melee + Debuff + Root 15s Set:  A Small Snag
 Startling Twist Stun + Corruption 45s Trait:  Startling Twist
 Improved Startling Twist Stun + Corruption 45s Trait:  Startling Twist
 Trick: Counter Defence Melee + Debuff 5s Trait:  Trick: Counter Defence
 Trick: Enrage Melee + Debuff 5s Trait:  Trick: Enrage
 Clever Retort Buff 45s Trait:  Clever Retort
 Quite a Snag Melee + Debuff + Root 5s Set:  Little Annoyances
 Trickster Buff 1m Trait:  Trickster
 Mischievous Delight Heal + Power 45s Set:  Confound the Fools

Mounted Combat Skills

Ability Level Range Description
 Discipline: Red Dawn 75 - Increases damage and Critical multiplier
 Discipline: Riddermark 75 - Increases Critical hit chance, and War-steed endurance and agility.
 Discipline: Rohirrim 75 - Reduces skill power cost, increases War-steed armour
 All in the Wrist
 All in the Wrist
 All in the Wrist
75 40m Damage + DoT
Forces the target to ride in front
Evade buff
75 4m Main-hand damage, with additional effects when enhanced by  Trick: Stratagem.
 Keen Strike
 Keen Strike
 Keen Strike
75 4.2m Main-hand damage, with additional effects if  Trick: Stratagem is active.
 Ride By
 Ride By
 Ride By
75 4.2m Main-hand damage + DoT
Main-hand damage + slows the target
Main-hand damage + armour buff
 Strategic Strike 75 4.2m Main-hand damage, with bonus if attacking from behind.
 Trick: Stratagem 75 - Decreases speed, increases critical chance and stealth detection.
 Burglar's Treat 75 - Fellowship 10% Devastate damage. Requires critical hit

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see Elf, High Elf, Hobbit, River Hobbit, Man, or Stout-axe

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1
 Medium Armour 1

Combat Characteristics

Proficiency Level
 Critical Eye
 Light in the Shadow 50

Instrument Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Bassoon Use 5
 Clarinet Use 1
 Lute Use 1
 Specialized Equipment 1
 Fiddle Use 5

Other Passive Skills

Proficiency Level
 Clever Devices 20
 Tools of the Trade 20

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Daggers 1
 Daggers Training: Accomplished 15
 Daggers Training: Expert 30
 Daggers Training: Master 45
 Dual Wielding 1
 One-handed Clubs 1
 One-handed Maces 1
 One-handed Swords 1

Specialization Sets & Traits

The Gambler

The Gambler
Uses damage-over-time and chance to defeat foes.
Gambler Burglars rely on the roll of the dice to inflict damage and influence outcomes.
Skills Earned:
 Lucky Strike
 Hedge Your Bet
Your Crit Chain now unlocks on Evades
Set Traits Description Source
 Bob and Weave Heal Set: 5+ total ranks
 Blind Bet Gain skill Blind Bet Set: 10+ total ranks
 Reveal Weakness Improves skill Reveal Weakness Set: 15+ total ranks
 Overwhelming Odds Buff Set: 20+ total ranks
 Dealings Done Buff + Skill Lucky Strike becomes skill Gambler's Strike Set: 25+ total ranks
 Cash Out Gain skill Cash Out Set: 30+ total ranks
 Loaded Dice Improves skills Blind Bet and Cash Out Set: 35+ total ranks

Tree Traits Description Source
 Leaf Walker Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Stick and Move Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Honed Wit Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Gambler's Advantage Gain skill Gambler's Advantage Trait: 5+ ranks
 Roll the Dice Buff Trait: 10+ ranks
 Cruel Odds Buff Trait: 10+ ranks
 Swift and Subtle Buff Trait: 10+ ranks, Stick and Move (5)
 Double Down Improves skills Provoke and Diversion Trait: 15+ ranks
 Aggravated Bleeds Improves skills Gambler's Advantage and Cunning Attack Trait: 15+ ranks, Gambler's Advantage (1)
 Exposed Throat Gain skill Exposed Throat Trait: 20+ ranks
 Even the Odds Improves skill Double-edged Strike Trait: 20+ ranks
 High Roller Buff Trait: 20+ ranks
 A Sure Thing Buff Trait: 25+ ranks
 All In Gain skill All In Trait: 30+ ranks
 Sharp Eye Buff Trait: 30+ ranks

The Quiet Knife

The Quiet Knife
Uses Stealth and positional tactics to deal damage.
Quiet Knife Burglars pounce on their enemy from the shadows, dealing large amounts of damage on their opening attack.
Skills Earned:
 Knives Out
 Feint Attack
+2 Stealth Level
Set Traits Description Source
 Improved Knives Out Improves skill Knives Out Set: 5+ total ranks
 Critical Magnitude Buff Set: 10+ total ranks
 Reveal Weakness Improves skill Reveal Weakness Set: 15+ total ranks
 Relish Battle Heal Set: 20+ total ranks
 Location is Everything Buff Set: 25+ total ranks
 Practiced Bluff Buff + Skill Feint Attack becomes skill Improved Feint Attack Set: 30+ total ranks
 Improved Sneak Improves skill Sneak Set: 35+ total ranks

Tree Traits Description Source
 Footpad Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Agile Hands Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Stun Dust Gain skill Stun Dust Trait: 5+ ranks
 Strike From Shadows Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Deft Strikes Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Hidden Dagger Buff Trait: 10+ ranks,
Footpad (5)
 Dance of Blades Buff Trait: 10+ ranks
 Aim Gain skill Aim Trait: 10+ ranks
 Vital Points Debuff Trait: 15+ ranks,
Dance of Blades (5)
 Back Stab Buff Trait: 15+ ranks
 Focused Strikes Grants toggle skill that optionally makes skills Double-edged Strike and Flashing Blades single-target Trait: 20+ ranks
 Flashing Blades Gain skill Flashing Blades Trait: 20+ ranks
 Well-practiced Improves skills Aim and Find Footing Trait: 20+ ranks,
Aim (1)
 Improved Hide In Plain Sight Improves skill Hide in Plain Sight Trait: 25+ ranks
 Trip Gain skill Trip Trait: 25+ ranks
 Sneak Attack Buff Trait: 30+ ranks
 Coup de Grâce Gain skill Coup de Grâce Trait: 30+ ranks

The Mischief-maker

The Mischief-maker
Applies and removes Tricks to hinder foes.
Mischief-maker Burglars control fights by tricking their foes into submission.
Skills Earned:
 Mischievous Glee
 Trick: Disable
Subtle Stab reduces the active cooldown of Trick Removals.
Startling Twist applies Minor Rent Armour to foes.
Set Traits Description Source
 A Small Snag Gain skill A Small Snag Set: 5+ total ranks
 Disabling Attack Improves skill Trick: Disable Set: 10+ total ranks
 Reveal Weakness Improves skill Reveal Weakness Set: 15+ total ranks
 Joke with Legs Buff + Improves skill Riddle Set: 20+ total ranks
 A Trick for all Tastes Buff Set: 25+ total ranks
 Little Annoyances Skill A Small Snag becomes skill Quite a Snag Set: 30+ total ranks
 Confound the Fools Improves skills Trickster and Trick: Disable. Mischievous Glee becomes Mischievous Delight. Set: 35+ total ranks

Tree Traits Description Source
 Heartening Prank Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Practical Joke Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Trick: Dust in the Eyes Gain skill Trick: Dust in the Eyes Trait: 0+ ranks
 Thick Skin Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Startling Twist Gain skill Startling Twist Trait: 5+ ranks
 Trick: Counter Defence Gain skill Trick: Counter Defence Trait: 10+ ranks
 Perplexing Proposition Buff Trait: 10+ ranks,
Practical Joke (5)
 Playful Mind Buff Trait: 10+ ranks
 Trick: Enrage Gain skill Trick: Enrage Trait: 15+ ranks
 Complicated Terms Buff Trait: 15+ ranks
 Comedic Timing Buff Trait: 15+ ranks
 Self Adulation Improves skill Clever Retort Trait: 20+ ranks
 Clever Retort Gain skill Clever Retort Trait: 20+ ranks
 Burglar's Antidote Improves skill Burglar's Antidote Trait: 20+ ranks
 Appraising Eye Improves skill Reveal Weakness Trait: 25+ ranks
 Opportunist Improves skill Subtle Stab Trait: 25+ ranks
 Cover Your Tracks Buff Trait: 30+ ranks
 Trickster Gain skill Trickster Trait: 30+ ranks

Trait Tree

The Gambler
Uses damage-over-time and chance to defeat foes.
Gambler Burglars rely on the roll of the dice to inflict damage and influence outcomes.
Skills Earned:
 Lucky Strike
 Hedge Your Bet
Your Crit Chain now unlocks on Evades
The Quiet Knife
Uses Stealth and positional tactics to deal damage.
Quiet Knife Burglars pounce on their enemy from the shadows, dealing large amounts of damage on their opening attack.
Skills Earned:
 Knives Out
 Feint Attack
+2 Stealth Level
The Mischief-maker
Applies and removes Tricks to hinder foes.
Mischief-maker Burglars control fights by tricking their foes into submission.
Skills Earned:
 Mischievous Glee
 Trick: Disable
Subtle Stab reduces the active cooldown of Trick Removals.
Startling Twist applies Minor Rent Armour to foes.




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Class Quests

See Also