Bree-land Homesteads

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Bree-land Homesteads
Region: Bree-land
Interior(s): Standard House,
Deluxe House,
Kinship House,
Homestead Provisions
The Midgewater Marshes

The Bree-land Homesteads are an area within Bree-land in the southwestern region.

The Bree-land Homesteads contain player housing in the rustic timber and stone style of the Race of Man. The homesteads can be found in the Midgewater Marshes, south of the Great East Road heading towards the Lone-lands.

Services, including Vault access, are provided within or just outside the Homestead Provisions building in each neighbourhood. A 10-15% discount on goods and services is supplied for local residents.

Players may swiftly travel to their home and/or their kinship house using the "Travel to Personal House" Skill acquired when they purchased their home. Similarly, upon joining a Kinship which has a Kinhouse, the "Travel to Kinship House" skill becomes available.

In order to complete the quest Building the Bree Homestead players must talk to Nan Henwood. Then Bill Twiggins, inside Bree-land Homesteads, will complete the quest There's No Place Like Home.

For the musician lovers a trio named Bree Emeralds Musicians are found a distance south along the Long Street, at a wooden platform. A competing trio named Red Dragon Musicians is found just north of the Homesteads Provisions building. Some kind of rivalry is apparent.




Housing Broker outside Bree-land Homesteads
Homestead Provisions

The following NPCs are found near the service centre, or throughout the homesteads.

Homestead Provisions - Indoors
NPC Function
Bill Twiggins Housing Furnisher
Ethren Greengrass Healer
Jack Woodhouse Supplier & Provisioner
Tilly Groves Vault-keeper
Sam Spottiswood Head Caretaker [36.32S, 46.69W]
Ginny Needler Town Crier [35.1S, 46.4W]
Nelly Plowright Party Planner [35.90S, 47.34W]
Percy Thistledown Escrow Broker [35.1S, 46.4W]
Bill Heathrow Skirmish Trainer [36.07S, 47.10W]
Lil Bramblebush Skirmish Bard [36.05S, 47.12W]
Wenda Cranesbill VIP Rewards - Quest [35.76S, 47.35W]
Stable-master Far-ranging Stable-master [36.07S, 47.07W]
Bree Emeralds Musicians A Trio [36.45S, 46.51W]
Red Dragon Musicians Another Trio [35.45S, 47.11W]





The following houses are available for purchase from Nan Henwood.


Standard House
Address Coords Purchase Cost Upkeep
1 Long Street [35.3S, 46.3W] 950 Silver  47 Silver 50 Copper 
3 Long Street [35.5S, 46.2W] 950 Silver  47 Silver 50 Copper 
7 Long Street [36.3S, 46.1W] Gold  50 Silver 
1 Garden Street [35.7S, 46.6W] Gold  50 Silver 
3 Garden Street [35.3S, 47.4W] Gold  50 Silver 
1 Fountain Street [35.4S, 47.2W] Gold  50 Silver 
2 Fountain Street [35.4S, 47.0W] Gold  50 Silver 
4 Fountain Street [35.0S, 46.9W] Gold 100 Silver  55 Silver 
1 Broadford Street [36.5S, 46.9W] Gold 100 Silver  55 Silver 
3 High Road [35.8S, 48.0W] Gold 100 Silver  55 Silver 
1 Chestnut Street [36.9S, 46.9W] Gold 150 Silver  57 Silver 50 Copper 
2 Chestnut Street [37.0S, 47.1W] Gold  50 Silver 
3 Chestnut Street [37.1S, 47.5W] Gold  50 Silver 
5 Chestnut Street [36.7S, 48.2W] Gold  50 Silver 
7 Chestnut Street [35.6S, 48.0W] Gold 100 Silver  55 Silver 
8 Chestnut Street [35.4S, 48.3W] Gold  50 Silver 

For more information see, Bree-land Standard House.


Deluxe House
Address Coords Purchase Cost Upkeep
2 Long Street [35.3S, 46.8W] Gold  150 Silver 
4 Long Street [35.9S, 46.6W] Gold  150 Silver 
6 Long Street [36.3S, 46.2W] Gold  150 Silver 
2 Garden Street [35.7S, 46.9W] Gold  150 Silver 
4 Garden Street [35.5S, 47.5W] Gold  150 Silver 
3 Fountain Street [35.1S, 47.5W] Gold 700 Silver  165 Silver 
2 Broadford Street [36.0S, 46.9W] Gold 700 Silver  165 Silver 
2 High Road [35.9S, 47.7W] Gold 50 Silver  172 Silver 50 Copper 
4 Chestnut Street [37.0S, 48.1W] Gold  150 Silver 
6 Chestnut Street [36.5S, 47.8W] Gold 700 Silver  165 Silver 

For more information see, Bree-land Deluxe House.


Kinship House
Address Coords Purchase Cost Upkeep
5 Long Street [35.8S, 46.3W] 14 Gold 250 Silver  285 Silver 
8 Long Street [37.0S, 46.3W] 15 Gold  300 Silver 
1 High Road [36.7S, 47.4W] 17 Gold 250 Silver  345 Silver 
9 Chestnut Street [35.0S, 48.2W] 16 Gold 500 Silver  330 Silver 

For more information see, Bree-land Kinship House.

Hook Types and Locations

Each house comes with a number of hooks in the following categories:

Hook Type Standard House Deluxe House Kinship House
Interior 32 74 118
Exterior 5 7 12


The following neighbourhoods are available as of March 2023.


Click for larger map Topographic map of the Bree-land Homesteads
