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This page is about the class. For the race, see Beorning (Race)
Class Difficulty: Advanced
Role: Healer/Damage/Tank
Available to races: Beorning
Gameplay: Beornings are skin-changers that can change into the form of a bear in combat. They focus their wrath while in bear form, choosing to deal grievous blows or bolster their own resolve. While skilled in combat, some Beornings also choose to wield their knowledge of the wilderness to assist their allies.
Lore: The Beornings of Middle-earth are a largely reclusive people. They trace their ancestry to Beorn himself, and spend most of their time deep in the wilderness. The solitude of the forest gives little comfort in recent times, with the enemy encroaching from all sides. The time has come for the descendants of Beorn to lend their strength to the Free People of Middle-earth.
This class is inspired by Beorn, who bravely stood with the Free Peoples during the Battle of Five Armies.

Class Mechanics and Role

Bear Form

Bar swap description

When Beornings gather sufficient Wrath they can take the form of a great bear to unleash attacks on their foes.

Beornings are designed to be a dynamic skin-changer class. A Beorning can alternate back and forth between forms (or stances) almost at will, dependent only upon their level of Wrath. There are two ways to do so:

  • use the skill  Bear-form or  Man-form.
  • use another skill that changes your form automatically ( Thrash for Bear-form and  Slash for Man-form).

A Beorning's basic skills emphasize the difference between Man and Bear Forms. There are skills available in three different ways -- those available in Man Form; those available in Bear Form; and those available in either form.


Beorning Wrath UI

As a Beorning, you have a new vital named Wrath that replaces Power. Wrath builds up in combat through use of your skills. Many of your Man form skills will build wrath, allowing you to skin-change into a Bear. In Bear Form you unlock access to more potent, Wrath consuming skills. Wrath state is not maintained between logons so your character will always start with zero Wrath upon login.


The Beorning can fulfil different roles with their three specializations:

  • Tank: In The Hide trait tree, the Beorning can build aggro from damage in the ratio 3:1. Traits increase their survivability and enables them to draw the attention of enemies.
  • Damage: In The Claw trait tree, the Beorning can deal increased damage to enemies, using bleeds and high impact skills.
  • Healer In The Roar trait tree, the Beorning can buff and restore the Morale of their fellows and debuff enemies, increasing their incoming and decreasing their outgoing damage.


Default Skills

These skills are granted automatically as you gain levels. The effects of many of these skills are improved in various ways by your choice of specialization and how you spend your trait points. Some skills may also be replaced by an improved version of the same skill as you increase in level.

Form Active Skills Category Wrath CD Source
 Bear-form Stance 2s Level: 1
 Man-form Stance 2s Level: 1
 Slam Melee +15 3s Level: 1
 Slash Melee +5 1.5s Level: 1
 Thrash Melee +5 0.3s Level: 1
 Hearten Heal -10 20s Level: 6
 Biting Edge Melee AoE +15 8s Level: 10
 Vigilant Roar Melee 10s Level: 12
 Bee Swarm Melee + DoT -10 12s Level: 14
 Wanderlust Stance + Run Speed 2s Level: 15
 Ferocious Roar Buff +5 30s Level: 16
 Claw Swipe Melee + Debuff -10 3s Level: 16
 Grisly Cry Melee + Fear -10 40s Level: 18
 Nature's Vengeance Tactical + Corruption -5 8s Level: 20
 Shake Free CC removal 40s Level: 20
 Vicious Claws Melee + Interrupt -10 12s Level: 20
 Cleanse Cure 20s Level: 22
 Rush Buff -5 1m Level: 24
 Relentless Maul Melee Channel -20 30s Level: 30
 Sacrifice Buff -10 1m Level: 32
 Bear Up Revive 20s Level: 36

The Hide

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Hide (blue) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Form Active Skills Category Wrath CD Source
 Counter Buff 40s Set: Initial Skill
 Counterattack Melee +5 1s Set: Initial Skill
 Guarded Attack Melee + Buff -10 5s Set:  Guarded Attack
 Recuperate Heal -20 3s Trait:  Recuperate
 Rending Blow Melee + Interrupt -10 12s Trait:  Rending Blows
 Armour Crush Melee + Debuff -15 16s Trait:  Armour Crush
 Menacing Maul Melee Channel + Force Attack -20 30s Set:  Menacing Assault
 Thorned Armour Buff -10 1m 30s Trait:  Thorned Armour
 Thunderous Roar Force Attack 45s Trait:  Thunderous Roar
 Thickened Hide Buff -20 2m Trait:  Thickened Hide
 Hurricane Buff -20 2m 30s Trait:  Hurricane

The Claw

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Claw (red) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Form Active Skills Category Wrath CD Source
 Bash Melee + DoT -20 12s Set: Initial Skill
 Expose Melee + Debuff +5 5s Set: Initial Skill
 Nature's Wrath Melee +5 8s Trait:  Nature's Wrath
 Trample Melee -5 12s Trait:  Trample
 Serrated Edge Melee AoE + DoT +15 8s Trait:  Serrated Edge
 Execute Melee -50 30s Trait:  Execute
 Brutal Maul Melee Channel -20 30s Set:  Brutal Energy
 Savage Knockdown Melee AoE + Knockdown -50 30s Trait:  Savage Knockdown
 Composure Heal -10 20s Trait:  Composure
 Blood Prize Buff +5 1m 30s Trait:  Blood Prize
 Final Strike Melee AoE -50 30s Trait:  Final Strike
 Call To Wild Buff +5 2m Trait:  Call To Wild

The Roar

These skills are acquired by spending trait points in the Roar (yellow) trait tree. You can only obtain the Set skills if you specialize in this tree.

Form Active Skills Category Wrath CD Source
 Encouraging Roar Heal -10 4.5s Set: Initial Skill
 Mark of Grimbeorn Buff +5 3s Set: Initial Skill
 Nature's Salve AoE Heal -10 45s Set:  Nature's Salve
 Takedown Melee + Stun -10 30s Trait:  Takedown
 Rejuvenating Bellow AoE Heal -20 6s Set:  Rejuvenating Bellow
 Nature's Mend Heal +5 3s Trait:  Nature's Mend
 Levelling Roar Stun -10 30s Trait:  Levelling Roar
 Piercing Roar Ranged + Debuff 30s Trait:  Piercing Roar
 To Your Aid Heal -20 20s Trait:  To Your Aid
 Overbearing In-Combat Revive 3m Trait:  Overbearing
 Nature's Bond Buff +5 2m Trait:  Nature's Bond

Mounted Combat Skills

Ability Level Range Description
 Discipline: Red Dawn 75 - ???
 Discipline: Riddermark 75 - ???
 Discipline: Rohirrim 75 - ???
Bee Swarm (Red Dawn)
Bee Swarm (Riddermark)
Bee Swarm (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Execute (Red Dawn)
Execute (Riddermark)
Execute (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Ferocious Roar (Red Dawn)
Ferocious Roar (Riddermark)
Ferocious Roar (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Recuperate (Red Dawn)
Recuperate (Riddermark)
Recuperate (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Slash (Red Dawn)
Slash (Riddermark)
Slash (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Biting Edge (Red Dawn)
Biting Edge (Riddermark)
Biting Edge (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???
Sixth Sense (Red Dawn)
Sixth Sense (Riddermark)
Sixth Sense (Rohirrim)
75 ??? ???

Passive Skills

Base Passive Skills

For details see Beorning

Armour Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Light Armour 1
 Medium Armour 1
 Heavy Armour 1

Weapon Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Bows 1
 Crossbows 1
 Daggers 1
 Dual Wielding 1
 One-handed Axes 1
 One-handed Clubs 1
 One-handed Swords 1
 Spear 1
 Two-handed Axes 1
 Two-handed Clubs 1
 Two-handed Swords 1

Instrument Proficiencies

Proficiency Level
 Bassoon Use 5
 Horn Use 1
 Lute Use 1
 Specialized Equipment 1
 Fiddle Use 5

For skills related to the race and not to the class, see Beorning (Race) Skills.

Specialization Sets & Traits

The Hide

The Hide
Emphasises the durability of the Bear Form.
Relying on the bear form, this line bolsters personal defences while weakening the enemy.
Skills Earned:
Upon taking damage in Man form (20% chance in bear form):
This effect can only occur once every 8 seconds.
+5 Wrath
You may block incoming attacks without a shield.
-5 Cleanse Cooldown
Set Bonus Description Source
 Guarded Attack Gain skill Guarded Attack Set: 5+ total ranks
 Animalistic Improves skills Hearten and Composure Set: 10+ total ranks
 Worthy Adversary Buff Set: 15+ total ranks
 Menacing Assault Changes skill Relentless Maul to Menacing Maul Set: 20+ total ranks
 Down But Not Out Buff and Heal Set: 25+ total ranks
 Defensively Minded Buff Set: 30+ total ranks
 Cultivate Buff and improves skill Ferocious Roar Set: 35+ total ranks
Tree Traits Description Source
 Nature's Bounty Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Opposing Presence Improves skill Claw Swipe Trait: 0+ ranks
 Hardened Heart Improves skill Hearten Trait: 0+ ranks
 Recuperate Gain skill Recuperate Trait: 5+ ranks
 Vigilant Roar Improves skills Vigilant Roar and Thunderous Roar Trait: 5+ ranks
 In Harm's Way Improves skill Sacrifice Trait: 5+ ranks
 Dancing Bear Buff Trait: 5+ ranks
 Quick Recovery Improves skill Recuperate Trait: 10+ ranks,
Recuperate (1)
 All On The Line Improves skill Sacrifice Trait: 10+ ranks,
In Harm's Way (3)
 Rending Blows Gain skill Rending Blow Trait: 10+ ranks
 Armoured Hide Buff Trait: 15+ ranks
 Armour Crush Changes skill Rending Blow to Armour Crush Trait: 15+ ranks,
Rending Blows (1)
 Assertive Roar Improves skill Ferocious Roar Trait: 20+ ranks
 Sluggish Stings Improves skill Bee Swarm Trait: 20+ ranks
 Thorned Armour Gain skill Thorned Armour Trait: 25+ ranks
 Thunderous Roar Gain skill Thunderous Roar Trait: 25+ ranks
 Thickened Hide Gain skill Thickened Hide Trait: 30+ ranks
 Hurricane Gain skill Hurricane Trait: 30+ ranks

The Claw

The Claw
Consumes Wrath to Deal Crushing Damage.
Empowering both Bear and Man, this line focuses on overpowering foes with devastating attacks.
Skills Earned:
Bestial Fury:
Whenever you Critically Hit with skills you gain:
+3 Wrath
Set Bonus Description Source
 Flayer of Evil Buff Set: 5+ total ranks
 Battle Born Buff Set: 10+ total ranks
 Sharpened Claws Improves skill Ferocious Roar Set: 15+ total ranks
 Brutal Energy Changes skill Relentless Maul to Brutal Maul Set: 20+ total ranks
 Rake Improves skill Claw Swipe Set: 25+ total ranks
 Raining Blows Improves skill Thrash Set: 30+ total ranks
 Wrathful Buff Set: 35+ total ranks
Tree Traits Description Source
 Thrash Damage Improves skill Thrash Trait: 0+ ranks
 Quick Claws Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Nature's Wrath Gain skill Nature's Wrath Trait: 0+ ranks
 Bleed Damage Buff and improves skill Slash Trait: 5+ ranks
 Trample Gain skill Trample Trait: 5+ ranks
 Improved Trample Improves skill Trample Trait: 5+ ranks, Trample (1)
 Weakening Blow Improves skill Slam Trait: 10+ ranks
 Lumber Improves skill Rush Trait: 10+ ranks
 Serrated Edge Changes skill Biting Edge to Serrated Edge Trait: 10+ ranks
 Savage Blows Buff Trait: 15+ ranks
 Crippling Stings Improves skill Bee Swarm Trait: 15+ ranks
 Execute Gain skill Execute Trait: 15+ ranks
 Turn the Tides Improves skill Nature's Vengeance Trait: 20+ ranks
 Savage Knockdown Gain skill Savage Knockdown Trait: 20+ ranks, Moment of Opportunity (2)
 Moment of Opportunity Improves skills: Execute, Final Strike, Savage Knockdown Trait: 20+ ranks, Execute (1)
 Composure Changes skill Hearten to Composure Trait: 25+ ranks
 Blood Prize Gain skill Blood Prize Trait: 25+ ranks
 Final Strike Gain skill Final Strike Trait: 25+ ranks, Moment of Opportunity (2)
 Broad Thrash Improves skill Thrash Trait: 30+ ranks
 Call To Wild Gain skill Call To Wild Trait: 30+ ranks

The Roar

The Roar
Provides healing and crowd control Support.
Using the knowledge of your unique people, aid your allies with powerful healing, debuffs, and crowd control.
Skills Earned:
 Encouraging Roar
 Mark of Grimbeorn
Grimbeorn's Spirit:
Upon healing any target:
Apply to the target of Mark of Grimbeorn:
This effect can stack up to five times.
+1% Incoming Healing Modifier
Duration: 12s
-8 Cleanse Cooldown
Set Bonus Description Source
 Nature's Salve Gain skill Nature's Salve Set: 5+ total ranks
 Aid the Assault Improves skill Relentless Maul Set: 10+ total ranks
 Grimbeorn's Strength Improves skill Mark of Grimbeorn Set: 15+ total ranks
 Rejuvenating Bellow Gain skill Rejuvenating Bellow Set: 20+ total ranks
 Honey Cleanse Improves skill Cleanse Set: 25+ total ranks
 Greater Swarm Improves skill Bee Swarm Set: 30+ total ranks
 Bond of Trust Improves skill Mark of Grimbeorn Set: 35+ total ranks
Tree Traits Description Source
 Encouraging Strike Improves skill Slash Trait: 0+ ranks
 Debilitating Bees Improves skill Bee Swarm Trait: 0+ ranks
 Torrent Buff Trait: 0+ ranks
 Imposing Presence Improves skill Grisly Cry Trait: 5+ ranks
 Stampede Improves skill Rush Trait: 5+ ranks
 Improved Hearten Improves skill Hearten Trait: 5+ ranks
 Desperate Shouts Improves skill Ferocious Roar Trait: 10+ ranks
 Shake Free Improves skill Shake Free Trait: 10+ ranks
 Takedown Gain skill Takedown Trait: 10+ ranks
 Raging Blow Improves skill Claw Swipe Trait: 15+ ranks
 Nature's Favour Buff Trait: 15+ ranks
 Nature's Mend Gain skill Nature's Mend Trait: 20+ ranks
 Nature's Salve Improves skill Nature's Salve Trait: 20+ ranks
 Levelling Roar Changes skill Takedown to Levelling Roar Trait: 20+ ranks,
Takedown (1)
 Quick Mend Improves skill Nature's Mend Trait: 25+ ranks,
Nature's Mend (1)
 Piercing Roar Gain skill Piercing Roar Trait: 25+ ranks
 Crippling Roar Improves skill Piercing Roar Trait: 25+ ranks,
Piercing Roar (1)
 To Your Aid Gain skill To Your Aid Trait: 25+ ranks
 Overbearing Gain skill Overbearing Trait: 30+ ranks
 Nature's Bond Gain skill Nature's Bond Trait: 30+ ranks

Trait Tree

The Hide
Emphasises the durability of the Bear Form.
Relying on the bear form, this line bolsters personal defences while weakening the enemy.
Skills Earned:
Upon taking damage in Man form (20% chance in bear form):
This effect can only occur once every 8 seconds.
+5 Wrath
You may block incoming attacks without a shield.
-5 Cleanse Cooldown
The Claw
Consumes Wrath to Deal Crushing Damage.
Empowering both Bear and Man, this line focuses on overpowering foes with devastating attacks.
Skills Earned:
Bestial Fury:
Whenever you Critically Hit with skills you gain:
+3 Wrath
The Roar
Provides healing and crowd control Support.
Using the knowledge of your unique people, aid your allies with powerful healing, debuffs, and crowd control.
Skills Earned:
 Encouraging Roar
 Mark of Grimbeorn
Grimbeorn's Spirit:
Upon healing any target:
Apply to the target of Mark of Grimbeorn:
This effect can stack up to five times.
+1% Incoming Healing Modifier
Duration: 12s
-8 Cleanse Cooldown




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Class Quests

See Also