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This page is about the current version of Hobnanigans. For the pre-2014 version of Hobnanigans, see Hobnanigans (Pre-2014)

Hobnanigans, also known as Chicken Ball or Chicken Hockey is a special event in the Horsefields near Bree where two competing teams try to manoeuvre a chicken through their opponents goals by striking it with bats in order to score points. Taking part in games earns reputation with the Chicken Chasing League of Eriador and Hobnanigans Tokens, which can be bartered for cosmetic gear, emotes, housing decorations and cosmetic pets. The game returned shortly after Patch 13.1 following a hiatus since July 2007 and is expected to be played monthly.[1][2]

Scheduled dates
2025: January 30 - February 3
2025: April 3 - April 7
2025: June 5 - June 9
2025: July 31 - August4
2025: October 2 - October 6
2025: December 4 - December 8

A Game of Hobnanigans

  • The game is played by two teams of three or six on a field using sticks to bunt a Game Hen through the opposition goals.
  • Win the game by scoring more goals than the opposition.
It's much like field hockey or association football aka soccer. Players attempt to bat the chicken (as if batting a ball) to their opponent's side of the field and into the goal, between either of the two goal posts. For example, the player with a red cloak and a red stick has to hit the chicken to the goal on the blue team's side of the field. The red player will see a blue banner above the wooden goal posts. That's the goal that the red player has to hit the chicken through.
  • Every player who participates in a game, regardless of a win, lose, or tie, receives 5 Hobnanigans Tokens and 700 Chicken Chasing League of Eriador reputation points (which can be doubled by using Reputation Acceleration Tomes.
  • Players on the winning team receive an additional 10 Hobnanigans Tokens and a random chance at winning rare chicken tokens:
  • Each game lasts ten minutes.
  • There are four fields available, each with a Flying Feathers and Steel Beaks captain who gives the quest to play each round.
  • These captains will continue to give the quest even if a team is filled or a game is in progress. You simply won't be able to take a stick or enter the field.
  • You are able to switch teams between games, but not during.
  • Once a game has started invisible walls around the field become active, teleporting non-players out of the playing field and stopping others from entering the field.
  • You start the game with one chicken hitting ability (Chicken Hit), with more powerful abilities, including buffs and debuffs, becoming available as the game progresses.
  • Teammates wear a special cloak and have a rune floating above their heads, red for the Flying Feathers and blue for the Steel Beaks.
The Cloak is only visible if the player is using their default "equipment Outfit."
  • At the start of each game there is a chance that bales of straw will appear on the field, providing obstacles that must be played around.
  • After each goal is scored there is a chance that a wagon will appear in one set of each teams goals, stopping points from being scored through it.
  • Be careful, as it is possible to hit the chicken through your own goals and score points for the opposition.
Hobnanigan Field 1
  • Before the game starts, don't leave the field once you have picked up your stick, whether it is a blue stick or red stick, because you'll be out of the game for the duration of it if you do. Once the game is in session, you won't be able to leave the field until the game ends. When you pick up a stick you receive the effect  Hobnanigans. Having this effect prevents you from picking up another stick.
  • If you decide to log-out during the game, you will be unable to continue playing the current game after loging back in.

Strategy and tactics

  • The Serious Business effect is enabled for the duration of the game.
  • Special game abilities can be dragged to your Quick Slot Bar, making them easier to activate.
  • Every player's instinct is to chase close to the chicken spamming their abilities. Spread yourself out, anticipate where the chicken will be hit to, and time your shots.
  • In 3v3 games, have two players trying to score goals and the third in the back half, acting as a goal keeper and slowing down the oppositions attacks.
  • In 6v6 games, spread your players out along the wings and midfield and move the chicken between players carefully rather than rushing straight for the goals.
  • There is a way to play with less players but it takes time. Select a quest and take a stick. wait for 5 minutes, leave the field and repeat until all sticks are taken.

Hint: Aim to end up with all players on the blue team, so take all the red sticks first. The blue team has one chip less to put the chicken into the goal, and beginners will almost always join you on the blue team!

Chicken Chasing skills

By default the Event Quickslot will appear in the center of your screen unless you have previously moved it to another location.
(Certain combat skills will generate an Event Quickslot when certain requirements are met.)
As you mouse over the top-left edge of the Event Quickslot, you can click and drag it to another location on the screen more convenient.
You can also drag the contents of the Event Quickslot to a convenient location on your Quickslot bar if that is easier for you.
Note however, that you will need to repeat this drag to your quickslot bar for each new appearance of the Event Quickslot (i.e. each new game of Hobnanigans).
  • During the game you get two additional "skills." There are four available, they appear in random order.
The first bonus skill appears at six minutes remaining
The second bonus skill appears at two minutes remaining
  •  Massive Chicken Hit - drive the chicken a long distance
  •  Rapid Chicken Hit - a short distance drive with a short cooldown allowing multiple hits in succession
  •  Hatching - target an opponent (not the chicken) for a 3-second rotten egg stun.
  •  Drink from the Boot - the pause that refreshes! a 10-second speed boost.


  • Hobnanigans Field 1 - 6 v 6
Haggo Boffin - Flying Feathers (Red team) Captain
Quest:A Game of Hobnanigan -- Flying Feathers
Carnelian Bracegirdle - Steel Beaks (Blue team) Captain
Quest:A Game of Hobnanigan -- Steel Beaks
  • Hobnanigans Field 2 - 3 v 3
Gorbulas Millstone - Flying Feathers Captain
Quest:A Game of Hobnanigan -- Flying Feathers - Field 2
May Tighfield - Steel Beaks Captain
Quest:A Game of Hobnanigan -- Steel Beaks - Field 2
  • Hobnanigans Field 3 - 3 v 3
Olo Knotwise - Flying Feathers Captain
Quest:A Game of Hobnanigan -- Flying Feathers - Field 3
Belba Hardbottle - Steel Beaks Captain
Quest:A Game of Hobnanigan -- Steel Beaks - Field 3
  • Hobnanigans Field 4 - 6 v 6
Dimple Grubb - Flying Feathers Captain
Quest:A Game of Hobnanigan -- Flying Feathers - Field 4
Melilot Toadfoot - Steel Beaks Captain
Quest:A Game of Hobnanigan -- Steel Beaks - Field 4





NPC Function Coords
Belba Hardbottle Quest [25.7S, 51.8W]
Carnelian Bracegirdle Quest [25.7S, 52.3W]
Dimple Grubb Quest [25.7S, 51.2W]
Field 1 Referee Referee [25.7S, 52.1W]
Field 2 Referee Referee [25.5S, 51.8W]
Field 3 Referee Referee [25.9S, 51.8W]
Field 4 Referee Referee [25.6S, 51.4W]
Gorbulas Millstone Quest [25.6S, 51.8W]
Haggo Boffin Quest [25.7S, 52.0W]
May Tighfield Quest [25.4S, 51.8W]
Melilot Toadfoot Quest [25.7S, 51.5W]
Olo Knotwise Quest [25.9S, 51.8W]
Quartermaster Barter - Consumables [25.6S, 52.3W]
Quartermaster Barter - Cosmetic Equipment [25.9S, 51.5W]
Quartermaster Barter - Emotes [26.0S, 52.0W]
Quartermaster Barter - Facepainting [25.7S, 51.9W]
Quartermaster Barter - Housing Decorations [25.3S, 51.7W]
Quartermaster Barter - Pets [25.4S, 51.2W]
Quartermaster Barter - Recipes [25.8S, 51.0W]
Quartermaster Barter - Token Boost [25.7S, 51.8W]

Barter Items

Quartermaster (Consumables) [25.6S, 52.3W]

Item to Receive Items to Trade
 White Carrying Chicken 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Red Carrying Chicken 6 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Dorking Carrying Chicken 7 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Scrapper Carrying Chicken 8 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Black-foot Carrying Chicken 9 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Orange Wyandotte Carrying Chicken 10 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Map to Hobnanigans 5 Hobnanigans Tokens

Quartermaster (Cosmetic Equipment) [25.9S, 51.5W]

Item to Receive Items to Trade
Cosmetic Equipment
 Chicken Mask White Chicken Token
 Chicken Mask 100 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Red Chicken Cloak 200 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Blue Chicken Cloak 200 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Red Hobnanigans Cloak 100 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Blue Hobnanigans Cloak 100 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Cracked Egg Helm White Chicken Token
 Cracked Egg Helm 75 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Hobnanigans Club Red Quiver 300 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Hobnanigans Club Blue Quiver 300 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Hobnanigans Club 150 Hobnanigans Tokens
Chicken Nest Hats
 Nest Hat with White Chicken 150 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Nest Hat with Red Chicken 225 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Nest Hat with Dorking Chicken 300 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Nest Hat with Scrapper Chicken 375 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Nest Hat with Black-foot Chicken 450 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Nest Hat with Orange Wyandotte Chicken 525 Hobnanigans Tokens
Chicken Nest Hats - Rare Tokens
 Nest Hat with White Chicken White Chicken Token
 Nest Hat with Red Chicken Red Chicken Token
 Nest Hat with Dorking Chicken Dorking Chicken Token
 Nest Hat with Scrapper Chicken Scrapper Chicken Token
 Nest Hat with Black-foot Chicken Black-foot Chicken Token
 Nest Hat with Orange Wyandotte Chicken Orange Wyandotte Chicken Token

Quartermaster (Emotes) [26.0S, 52.3W]

Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Grant Chicken Drive Emote 300 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Grant Chicken Chip Emote 300 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Grant Chicken Putt Emote 300 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Grant Drink from the Boot Emote 150 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Grant Throw Feathers Emote 150 Hobnanigans Tokens

Quartermaster (Facepainting) [25.7S, 51.9W]

Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Facepaint Stencil - Flower 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Butterfly 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Bee 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Feather 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Star 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Sword 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Bow 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Facepaint Stencil - Pipe 5 Hobnanigans Tokens

Quartermaster (Housing Decorations) [25.4S, 51.7W]

Quartermaster (Pets) [25.4S, 51.2W]

Item to Receive Items to Trade
Cosmetic Pets
 Tome of the White Chicken 150 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Tome of the Red Chicken 225 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Tome of the Dorking Chicken 300 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Tome of the Scrapper Chicken 375 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Tome of the Black-foot Chicken 450 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Tome of the Orange Wyandotte Chicken 525 Hobnanigans Tokens
Cosmetic Pets - Rare Tokens
 Tome of the White Chicken White Chicken Token
 Tome of the Red Chicken Red Chicken Token
 Tome of the Dorking Chicken Dorking Chicken Token
 Tome of the Scrapper Chicken Scrapper Chicken Token
 Tome of the Black-foot Chicken Black-foot Chicken Token
 Tome of the Orange Wyandotte Chicken Orange Wyandotte Chicken Token

Quartermaster (Recipes) [25.8S, 51.0W]
Be aware that all Hobnanigan recipes are single-use only, i.e. they do not remain in your cooking skills once used.

Item to Receive Items to Trade
Food Recipes
 Oliphaunt Ear Recipe 10 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Roasted Coney on a Stick Recipe 10 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Chicken Wing Recipe 10 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Sticky Apple Recipe 10 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Took in the Hole Recipe 10 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Flagon of 'Shire-honey' Mead Recipe 2 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Glass of Dark Stout Recipe 2 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Bottle of 'Sticky Apple' Cider Recipe 2 Hobnanigans Tokens
Banquet Recipes
 Oliphaunt Ear Banquet Recipe 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Roasted Coney on a Stick Banquet Recipe 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Chicken Wing Banquet Recipe 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Sticky Apple Banquet Recipe 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Took in the Hole Banquet Recipe 5 Hobnanigans Tokens
 Hobnanigans Banquet Recipe 5 Hobnanigans Tokens

Quartermaster (Token Boost) [25.7S, 51.8W]

Item to Receive Items to Trade
 Hobnanigans Reward Boost 2 Mithril Coins


Cosmetic items

Cosmetic pets

Decoration items

Emote items


Main article: Hobnanigans (Pre-2014)

This game appeared once, for the Summer Solstice Festival, June 20 - July 10, 2007. It was buggy, with the chickens very hard to target and hit and tending to run out of bounds frequently which got the Referee confused.

By Sapience

Michel Delving, Shire April 1, 2014 – Mayor Will Whitfoot unveiled plans today for Middle-earth’s first major sports league, the Kingsfoil Championship league. The league will bring together teams from as far away Dunland and possibly beyond, though Mayor Whitfoot did acknowledge events in the east were a source of concern for some teams and their ability to travel at this time.

In describing the sport Mayor Whitfoot explained players would be challenged to score points by driving a chicken between two goal posts using a stick. It would be up to players how best to accomplish this. When asked if this was fair to the chicken, he declined to comment.

“It’s an old game that fell out of favour just around the time it was about to take off. Since then it’s been played casually in the streets and back alleys. We thought it was time to bring it back and give it the attention it deserves,” said the Mayor.

Also involved in the formation of the league is Bree-town Mayor Graeme Tenderlach. Mayor Tenderlach described the league as, “a first of its kind ‘cSport’ featuring fast paced action and some of the hardest hitting seen outside of the Ettenmoors. People are really going to see some feathers, and chickens, FLY!”

When asked about teams from the Ettenmoors and surrounding areas being excluded from applying for the league Mayor Tenderlach replied, “A few years back we tried to start up a different type of cSport in that region, but mostly they just kept eating the Chickens. Then they started trying to eat the other teams. It was a disaster. We don’t think it’s a good fit right now.”

Mayor Tenderlach also announced plans for a new stadium to be constructed near the existing Bree Festival area. The project has been awarded to the Thornley Construction Company and is expected to bring many new jobs to the area. “I foresee that these jobs will remain for many, many, many years to come. Honestly, it feels like we might not ever finish,” according to a Foreman for the company.

The league has partnered with Sandson’s Farms to be the official supplier of sports ‘equipment’ for the new league. A spokesperson for the farm commented, “We’re honoured to have been selected as the official supplier of Chickens for the league. We believe our chickens are the healthiest and best raised in all of Eriador and will put on a great show!” Sandson’s Farms has also announced they’ll be hosting an all you can eat “Wings and Things cookout” after each match.
