The Grimwater

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The Grimwater
Type: Dourhand Camp
Region: Ered Luin
Area: Haudh Lin
Location: [18.0S, 95.0W]

The Grimwater is a landmark within Haudh Lin, in Ered Luin. [18.0S, 95.0W]

Outside the Dourhand encampment, is a lake giving name to this section in the northern Haudh Lin. The camp is tucked up at the hill-side, and from here these foul dwarves raid the woods and assault the unwary adventurers that dare set foot here. The path up to the main camp winds itself between wooden palisades and is heavily guarded by the Dourhands, and their never-vanishing hendrevail.




These deeds can be advanced by exploring this location:


These creatures are encountered within this location:

Only within Instance: To Avert a War:


"The Grimwater is a large lake south and east of Thorin's Hall. The Dourhands have built an encampment here, from where they raid merchant wains and travellers passing between Thorin's Hall and the eastern lands." — Deed
